Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Animated Postcard

Click Here to see my animated postcard

This project was the next step in locating place. I took two of the postcards that I made and turned them into an animation. If you click on one of the squares textures will come across your screen and take you to the next card. If you click on the squares on this card it will take you back to the first post card.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

East Side Postcards

This assignment asked us to create a set of postcards about the East side of Austin. My concept focused on the buildings of the East side and I tried to mix textures and vectors to 'rebuild' the buildings in a new way.

Found Type Poster

For this assignment we were asked to create a typeface out of found objects. After trying out different mediums I chose to work with eye glasses to create my font. After destroying the glasses and creating the letters I designed the poster around the five senses and tried to incorporate the other senses in the final design.


For this project we were asked to create a poster and three admission stickers for a museum that was based on an art style from the past. I chose Bauhaus and used the simplicity of the style to create the poster. There are three stickers, one for student, one for adults, and one for a child's admission and those are identified through the red square, blue circle, and yellow triangle, the three shapes the Bauhaus ideals were based around. The poster says form follows function because that was one of the mottos of the style that helped define it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Activity Booklet

This project called for us to design a children's activity booklet for a program called 5 minutes a week. The program teaches kids about fair trade in 5 minutes a week.

To see the entire book visit:

Kitchen of Meaning

This is a poster that we were assigned to make for a gallery called The Kitchen of Meaning. Each student was assigned a word and had to design a poster that was a visual example of the meaning of the word. My word was dissonance which is a tension or clash resulting from the combination of 2 disharmonious or unsuitable elements. I used lines to mimic sound waves to highlight the musical meaning behind dissonance.

Critical Mass

In this project we got to pick an amendment from the Bill of Rights and were asked to make a series of postcards that would inform people as to what the amendment stood for without having a previous knowledge of that amendment. I picked the 5th amendment and used images that the class found in magazines and scanned in to make my images. 


In this assignment we were all assigned a letter from the alphabet and asked to represent the letter in 5 different images. I was assigned the letter 'O' and tried varied the letter through repetition, layers, destroying the letter, and found the letter in everyday life. The final presentation of the project was through a class blog. 

Thursday, March 5, 2009


For this projects we were asked to transform everyday objects. My goal was to take these random things and to manipulate them into something completely different. I made a boat, a snowman, a ice cream cone and a cross out of an eyeball, a lamp, a broach, a card, a hotdog, and a necklace. This project really forced me to think outside of the normal to create the abnormal.

Scavenger Hunt

This project was a photo scavenger hunt. We had to go out and take pictures and then link them together with their photographic characteristics, shape, color, line etc. 

Type Specimen Book

This assignment was to make a book that showed off one font and all different versions of that font. I picked the font helvetica and designed a book to help highlight all its features and uses.

To see the entire book visit:

Design Culture Now

This assignment was to create a poster for the event Design Culture Now. My theme was layers and I layered colors, paper, and text to get the final design. 


This was one of the first assignments for Type I. We were asked to create a bitmap font using only black boxes. With this font I tried to carry the theme of spaces through each letter. 

Cognitive Map

This is the third and final map in the series of three. This map is a representation on what our mind is thinking as we go through our route to school. For this map I tried to use circles to convey what I was thinking about and the size of the circle to represent how much I am thinking about each subject.

Perceptual Map

The second map in the series of three, this map was made to show what our five senses are doing during our route to school. Finding a way to turn our senses into visual imagery that changes over time and was still readable for viewers was the most challenging part of this design.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Artifact Map

The project consisted of making three maps that would show a route that we take daily, either home to school, or home to work. This was the first map, the artifact map. The assignment asked us to create a map that would show our route and be true to the streets and geography of the region.

Symbol Methodology

During the course of this assignment we were asked to create three symbols that related back to a certain field. I picked telecommunications and worked to create symbols that would relate back to the verbal, visual, and the operations aspects of the field. The project started with us just listing words that came to mind about our field and eventually turned into these three symbols which started as just simple hand drawings. In this project the class learned to create visual representations of objects and stretch our creativity to create an effective symbol.

Eagle Tracing

This exercise was again using Adobe Illustrator. We were given an image of a bald eagle and asked to trace it with more detail than the rubber ducky. This assignment helped us really master the use of the pen tool and learn more about managing colors and layers.

Duck Tracing

In this assignment we were asked to trace a photo of a rubber duck using Adobe Illustrator. This assignment taught us how the use and become familiar with the pen tool. 

Room Floorplan

Our first assignment in Graphic Design I was to create a floor plan of our bedroom in illustrator. This project taught the simple basics of the program and how to use it.